Realizing the knowledge gap and resource constraint typically faced by SMEs, myESG Star+ offers a systematic guide for businesses to gradually adopt and integrate ESG into their operations through nine (9) proprietary stages, progressing the businesses to becoming ESG-aligned.
myESG Star+
Program Features
Phases of ESG Adoption
The program is based on a phased approach: onboarding, transition, and ESG-aligned. This begins with creating awareness within the organization and setting commitments towards improving ESG performance. In the transition phase, businesses develop processes and implement changes to manage and improve their ESG performance. Businesses integrate ESG principles into their core business strategy and operations to eventually become ESG-aligned and create value.
Awareness, Acceptance (mandatory), fundamental capacity building, minimal adoption
Value realization, risk mitigation, internalize ESG risks and opportunities, establishing ESG management framework
Value creation, assimilating ESG, maturing ESG culture
MyESG Star
9 Stages Towards ESG-Aligned
There are three (3) tiers in myESG Star+, i.e. Gold, Silver, and Bronze, with each tier comprising of three (3) sub-tiers, identified through the number of stars assigned for each sub-tier.
Business will be awarded stars upon achieving the essential stages in implementing ESG principles.
Using a gamified approach, businesses continue to pursue the higher star rating within a reasonable timeframe. The platform offers the following unique features:
Risk Integration
Integration of ESG into enterprise risk management process
Translating ESG riskes and opportunities into financial terms
Value Creation
Realizing positive values or impacts of adopting ESG
Focusing on material ESG issues is the most effective way in adopting
Plaaning with emphasis on ESG materix and targets
Management oversight to monitor and review progress of implementation
Board level's understanding of ESG will facilitate a more effective ESG oversight
Management are key to drive ESG within the organization
Organization's commitment demonstrate the ambition to become ESG aligned
myESG Star+
Customized Coaching
Stay Up-To-Date
Improved Risk Management
Better Performance
Other Features
MyESG Star Features
myESG Star+
ESG Verified
Kick-off your ESG Journey with myESG Star+
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